function | install_allegro () |
Installs allegro. More... | |
function | allegro_init () |
Wrapper for install_allegro. | |
function | allegro_init_all (id, w, h, menu, enable_keys) |
Inits Allegro and installs all subsystems. More... | |
function | END_OF_MAIN () |
Macro to be placed after the end of main() Calls main() | |
var | mouse_b = 0 |
Mouse button bitmask. More... | |
var | mouse_pressed = 0 |
Same as mouse_b but only checks if a button was pressed last frame Note that this only works inside loop() | |
var | mouse_released = 0 |
Same as mouse_b but only checks if a button was released last frame Note that this only works inside loop() | |
var | mouse_x = -1 |
Mouse X position within the canvas. | |
var | mouse_y = -1 |
Mouse Y position within the canvas. | |
var | mouse_z = -1 |
Mouse wheel position. More... | |
var | mouse_mx = 0 |
Mouse mickey, X position since last loop(). More... | |
var | mouse_my = 0 |
Mouse mickey, Y position since last loop(). More... | |
var | mouse_mz = 0 |
Mouse mickey, wheel position since last loop(). More... | |
function | install_mouse (menu) |
Installs mouse handlers. More... | |
function | remove_mouse () |
Removes mouse handlers. | |
function | show_mouse () |
Enables showing system mouse cursor over canvas. | |
function | hide_mouse () |
Disables system mouse cursor over canvas. More... | |
function | SECS_TO_TIMER (secs) |
Converts seconds to install_int_ex interval units. More... | |
function | MSEC_TO_TIMER (msec) |
Converts milliseconds to install_int_ex interval units. More... | |
function | BPS_TO_TIMER (bps) |
Converts beats-per-second to install_int_ex interval units. More... | |
function | BPM_TO_TIMER (bpm) |
Converts beats-per-minute to install_int_ex interval units. More... | |
function | install_timer () |
Does nothing. | |
function | time () |
Unix time stamp! Returns number of milliseconds since 1970 started. More... | |
function | install_int (procedure, msec) |
Installs interrupt function. More... | |
function | install_int_ex (procedure, speed) |
Installs interrupt function. More... | |
function | loop (procedure, speed) |
Game loop interrupt Loop is the same as interrupt, except, it cannot be stopped once it's started. More... | |
function | loading_bar (progress) |
Default loading bar rendering This function is used by ready() to display a simple loading bar on screen. More... | |
function | ready (procedure, bar) |
Installs a handler to check if everything has downloaded. More... | |
function | remove_int (procedure) |
Removes interrupt. More... | |
function | remove_all_ints () |
Removes all interrupts. | |
var | key = [] |
Array of flags indicating state of each key. More... | |
var | pressed = [] |
Array of flags indicating in a key was just pressed since last loop() Note that this will only work inside loop() | |
var | released = [] |
Array of flags indicating in a key was just released since last loop() Note that this will only work inside loop() | |
function | install_keyboard (enable_keys) |
Installs keyboard handlers Unlike mouse, keyboard can be installed before initialising graphics, and the handlers will function over the entire website, as opposed to canvas only. More... | |
function | remove_keyboard () |
Uninstalls keyboard. | |
function | BITMAP_OBJECT (w, h, canvas, context, ready, type) |
Bitmap object, This is not a function. More... | |
function | create_bitmap (width, height) |
Creates empty bitmap. More... | |
function | load_bitmap (filename) |
Loads bitmap from file Loads image from file asynchronously. More... | |
function | load_bmp (filename) |
Wrapper for load_bitmap. | |
var | canvas |
Screen bitmap This is the bitmap object representing the main drawing canvas. More... | |
var | SCREEN_W = 0 |
Screen bitmap width in pixels. | |
var | SCREEN_H = 0 |
Screen bitmap height in pixels. | |
var | font |
default font | |
function | set_gfx_mode (canvas_id, width, height) |
Enables graphics. More... | |
var | PI = 3.14159265 |
Pi. | |
var | PI2 = 2*3.14159265 |
Pi * 2. | |
var | PI_2 = 3.14159265/2 |
Pi / 2. | |
var | PI_3 = 3.14159265/3 |
Pi / 3. | |
var | PI_4 = 3.14159265/4 |
Pi / 4. | |
function | RAD (d) |
Converts degrees to radians. More... | |
function | DEG (r) |
Converts radians to degrees. More... | |
function | makecol (r, g, b, a) |
Creates a 0xAARRGGBB from values Overdrive is not permitted, so values over 255 (0xff) will get clipped. More... | |
function | makecolf (r, g, b, a) |
Creates 0xAARRGGBB from values This is a float version of makecol, where all components should be in 0.0-1.0 range. More... | |
function | getr (colour) |
Gets red bits from 0xRRGGBB This one does clip. More... | |
function | getg (colour) |
Gets red bits from 0xRRGGBB This one too. More... | |
function | getb (colour) |
Gets red bits from 0xRRGGBB This one clips as well. More... | |
function | geta (colour) |
Gets alpha bits from 0xAARRGGBB This one doesn't. More... | |
function | getrf (colour) |
Float (0.0-1.0) version of getr() More... | |
function | getgf (colour) |
Float (0.0-1.0) version of getg() More... | |
function | getbf (colour) |
Float (0.0-1.0) version of getb() More... | |
function | getaf (colour) |
Float (0.0-1.0) version of geta() More... | |
function | getpixel (bitmap, x, y) |
Gets pixel colour from bitmap Reads pixel from bitmap at given coordinates. More... | |
function | putpixel (bitmap, x, y, colour) |
Gets pixel colour from bitmap Reads pixel from bitmap at given coordinates. More... | |
function | clear_bitmap (bitmap) |
Clears bitmap to transparent black. More... | |
function | clear_to_color (bitmap, colour) |
Clears bitmap to specified colour. More... | |
function | line (bitmap, x1, y1, x2, y2, colour, width) |
Draws a line. More... | |
function | vline (bitmap, x, y1, y2, colour, width) |
Draws a vertical line. More... | |
function | hline (bitmap, x1, y, x2, colour, width) |
Draws a horizontal line. More... | |
function | triangle (bitmap, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, colour, width) |
Draws a triangle. More... | |
function | trianglefill (bitmap, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, colour) |
Draws a triangle. More... | |
function | polygon (bitmap, vertices, points, colour, width) |
Draws a polygon. More... | |
function | polygonfill (bitmap, vertices, points, colour) |
Draws a polygon. More... | |
function | rect (bitmap, x1, y1, w, h, colour, width) |
Draws a rectangle. More... | |
function | rectfill (bitmap, x1, y1, w, h, colour) |
Draws a rectangle. More... | |
function | circle (bitmap, x, y, radius, colour, width) |
Draws a circle. More... | |
function | circlefill (bitmap, x, y, radius, colour) |
Draws a circle. More... | |
function | arc (bitmap, x, y, ang1, ang2, r, colour, width) |
Draws a arc. More... | |
function | arcfill (bitmap, x, y, ang1, ang2, r, colour) |
Draws a arc. More... | |
function | draw_sprite (bmp, sprite, x, y) |
Draws a sprite This is probably the fastest method to get images on screen. More... | |
function | scaled_sprite (bmp, sprite, x, y, sx, sy) |
Draws a stretched sprite Draws a sprite stretching it to given width and height. More... | |
function | rotate_sprite (bmp, sprite, x, y, angle) |
Draws a rotated sprite Draws a sprite rotating it around its centre point. More... | |
function | pivot_sprite (bmp, sprite, x, y, cx, cy, angle) |
Draws a sprite rotated around an arbitrary point Draws a sprite rotating it around a given point. More... | |
function | rotate_scaled_sprite (bmp, sprite, x, y, angle, sx, sy) |
Draws a rotated sprite and scales it Draws a sprite rotating it around its centre point. More... | |
function | pivot_scaled_sprite (bmp, sprite, x, y, cx, cy, angle, sx, sy) |
Draws a sprite rotated around an arbitrary point and scaled Draws a sprite rotating it around a given point. More... | |
function | blit (source, dest, sx, sy, dx, dy, w, h) |
Blit This is how you draw backgrounds and stuff. More... | |
function | simple_blit (source, dest, x, y) |
Simple Blit Simplified version of blit, works pretty much like draw_sprite but draws from the corner. More... | |
function | stretch_blit (source, dest, sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh) |
Scaled blit Draws a scaled chunk of an image on a bitmap. More... | |
function | FONT_OBJECT (element, file, name, type) |
Font object, this is not a function. More... | |
function | load_base64_font (data) |
Loads font from file. More... | |
function | load_font (filename) |
Loads font from file. More... | |
function | create_font (family) |
Creates a font objects from font-family This creates a font element using an existing font-family name. More... | |
function | textout (bitmap, f, s, x, y, size, colour, outline, width) |
Draws text on bitmap. More... | |
function | textout_centre (bitmap, f, s, x, y, size, colour, outline, width) |
Draws centred text on bitmap. More... | |
function | textout_right (bitmap, f, s, x, y, size, colour, outline, width) |
Draws right-aligned text on bitmap. More... | |
function | SAMPLE_OBJECT (element, file, volume, ready, type) |
Sample object, this is not a function. More... | |
function | install_sound () |
Install sound. More... | |
function | set_volume (volume) |
Sets global volume. | |
function | get_volume () |
Gets global volume. | |
function | load_sample (filename) |
Loads a sample from file Loads a sample from file and returns it. More... | |
function | destroy_sample (filename) |
Does nothing. More... | |
function | play_sample (sample, vol, freq, loop) |
Plays given sample. More... | |
function | adjust_sample (sample, vol, freq, loop) |
Adjust sample during playback Adjusts sample data Note how pan is left out, as it doesn't seem to have a js counterpart. More... | |
function | stop_sample (sample) |
Stops playing Also resets position. More... | |
function | pause_sample (sample) |
Pauses playing Also doesn't reset position. More... | |
function | rand () |
Returns a random number from 0 to 65535 Result is always integer. More... | |
function | rand32 () |
Returns a random number from -2147483648 to 2147483647 Result is always integer. More... | |
function | frand () |
Returns a random number from 0.0 to 1.0 This one is float. More... | |
function | abs (a) |
Returns absolute value of a Removes minus sign from the value, should there be any. More... | |
function | length (x, y) |
Returns length of a vector. More... | |
function | distance (x1, y1, x2, y2) |
Calculates distance between two points. More... | |
function | distance2 (x1, y1, x2, y2) |
Calculates squared distance between two points This version is just a tad faster. More... | |
function | linedist (ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2, x, y) |
Distance between a point and a line segment. More... | |
function | lerp (from, to, progress) |
Linear interpolation between two values Returns a value midway between from and to specified by progress. More... | |
function | dot (x1, y1, x2, y2) |
Returns a dot product of two vectors Dot product is equal to cosine of angle between two vectors times their lengths. More... | |
function | sgn (a) |
Returns sign of value Will return -1 if it's negative, 1 if positive and 0 if zero. More... | |
function | angle (x1, y1, x2, y2) |
Returns an angle between two vectors. More... | |
function | anglediff (a, b) |
Returns a difference between angles. More... | |
function | clamp (value, min, max) |
Clamps a value Min doesn't really have to be smaller than max. More... | |
function | scale (value, min, max, min2, max2) |
Scales a value from one range to another. More... | |
function | scaleclamp (value, min, max, min2, max2) |
Scales value from one range to another and clamps it down. More... | |
var | ALLEGRO_CONSOLE = false |
Set this to true if you want to debug to browser console. More... | |
function | enable_debug (id) |
Enables debugging to a console. More... | |
function | log (string) |
Logs to console Only works after enable_debug() has been called. More... | |
function | wipe_log () |
Wipes the debug console Clears the debug element of any text. More... | |
function abs | ( | a | ) |
Returns absolute value of a Removes minus sign from the value, should there be any.
a | value to be absoluted |
function adjust_sample | ( | sample, | |
vol, | |||
freq, | |||
loop | |||
) |
Adjust sample during playback Adjusts sample data Note how pan is left out, as it doesn't seem to have a js counterpart.
freq will probably not work everywhere too!
sample | sample |
vol | playback volume |
freq | speed, 1.0 is normal |
loop | loop or not to loop |
function allegro_init_all | ( | id, | |
w, | |||
h, | |||
menu, | |||
enable_keys | |||
) |
Inits Allegro and installs all subsystems.
Calls install_allegro(), install_mouse(), install_timer(), install_keyboard(), install_sound() and set_gfx_mode() with provided parameters
id | drawing canvas id |
w | screen width in pixels |
h | screen height in pixels |
menu | set this to true to enable context menu |
function angle | ( | x1, | |
y1, | |||
x2, | |||
y2 | |||
) |
Returns an angle between two vectors.
x1,y1 | vector one |
x2,y2 | vector two |
function anglediff | ( | a, | |
b | |||
) |
Returns a difference between angles.
a,b,angles |
function arc | ( | bitmap, | |
x, | |||
y, | |||
ang1, | |||
ang2, | |||
r, | |||
colour, | |||
width | |||
) |
Draws a arc.
Draws a circle at specified centre point and radius. The arc is not filled
bitmap | to be drawn to |
x,y | centre point coordinates |
ang1,ang2 | angles to draw the arc between measured anticlockwise from the positive x axis in degrees |
r | radius |
colour | colour in 0xAARRGGBB format |
width | line width |
function arcfill | ( | bitmap, | |
x, | |||
y, | |||
ang1, | |||
ang2, | |||
r, | |||
colour | |||
) |
Draws a arc.
Draws a circle at specified centre point and radius. The arc is filled
bitmap | to be drawn to |
x,y | centre point coordinates |
ang1,ang2 | angles to draw the arc between measured anticlockwise from the positive x axis in degrees |
r | radius |
colour | colour in 0xAARRGGBB format |
function BITMAP_OBJECT | ( | w, | |
h, | |||
canvas, | |||
context, | |||
ready, | |||
type | |||
) |
Bitmap object, This is not a function.
This is not a function, it's the structure of bitmap object returned from load_bitmap() and create_bitmap(). For every bitmap laoded or created, a canvas element is created. Loaded images are then drawn onto the canvas, so that you can easily manipulate images and everything is consistent. You can also load a single file two times and modify it differently for each instance.
w | bitmap width |
h | bitmap height |
canvas | underlying canvas element, used to draw the bitmap onto stuff |
context | canvas' rendering context, used to draw stuff onto this bitmap |
ready | flags whether loading of the bitmap is complete |
type | object type, "bmp" in this case |
function blit | ( | source, | |
dest, | |||
sx, | |||
sy, | |||
dx, | |||
dy, | |||
w, | |||
h | |||
) |
Blit This is how you draw backgrounds and stuff.
masked_ versions are omitted, since everything is 32-bit RGBA anyways. The source and dest parameters are swapped compared to draw_sprite for historical, 20 year old reasons that must stay the same no matter what.
source | source bitmap |
dest | destination bitmap |
sx,sy | source origin |
dx,dy | top-left bitmap corner coordinates in target bitmap |
w,h | blit size |
make rotated versions of this
tell everyone that blitting to itself is slower than the other thing (requires copy?)
function BPM_TO_TIMER | ( | bpm | ) |
Converts beats-per-minute to install_int_ex interval units.
bpm | number of beats per minute |
function BPS_TO_TIMER | ( | bps | ) |
Converts beats-per-second to install_int_ex interval units.
bps | number of beats per second |
function circle | ( | bitmap, | |
x, | |||
y, | |||
radius, | |||
colour, | |||
width | |||
) |
Draws a circle.
Draws a circle at specified centre point and radius. The circle is not filled
bitmap | to be drawn to |
x,y | centre point coordinates |
r | circle radius |
colour | colour in 0xAARRGGBB format |
width | line width |
function circlefill | ( | bitmap, | |
x, | |||
y, | |||
radius, | |||
colour | |||
) |
Draws a circle.
Draws a circle at specified centre point and radius. The circle is filled
bitmap | to be drawn to |
x,y | centre point coordinates |
r | circle radius |
colour | colour in 0xAARRGGBB format |
function clamp | ( | value, | |
min, | |||
max | |||
) |
Clamps a value Min doesn't really have to be smaller than max.
value | value to be clamped |
min,max | values to clam between |
function clear_bitmap | ( | bitmap | ) |
Clears bitmap to transparent black.
Fills the entire bitmap with 0 value, which represents transparent black.
bitmap | bitmap to be cleared |
function clear_to_color | ( | bitmap, | |
colour | |||
) |
Clears bitmap to specified colour.
Fills the entire bitmap with colour value.
bitmap | bitmap to be cleared |
colour | colour in 0xAARRGGBB format |
function create_bitmap | ( | width, | |
height | |||
) |
Creates empty bitmap.
Creates a bitmap object of given dimensions and returns it.
width | bitmap width |
height | bitmap height |
function create_font | ( | family | ) |
Creates a font objects from font-family This creates a font element using an existing font-family name.
family | font-family property, can be 'serif', 'sans-serif' or anything else that works |
function DEG | ( | r | ) |
Converts radians to degrees.
Also, changes anticlockwise to clockwise.
r | value in radians to be converted |
function destroy_sample | ( | filename | ) |
Does nothing.
function distance | ( | x1, | |
y1, | |||
x2, | |||
y2 | |||
) |
Calculates distance between two points.
x1,x2 | first point |
x2,y2 | second point |
function distance2 | ( | x1, | |
y1, | |||
x2, | |||
y2 | |||
) |
Calculates squared distance between two points This version is just a tad faster.
x1,x2 | first point |
x2,y2 | second point |
function dot | ( | x1, | |
y1, | |||
x2, | |||
y2 | |||
) |
Returns a dot product of two vectors Dot product is equal to cosine of angle between two vectors times their lengths.
With normalised, length 1.0, vectors, the value would be 1.0 if vectors are the same, 0.0 if they are perpendicular, and -1.0 if they point the opposite direction. It helps to determine angle differences.
x1,y1 | vector one, won't be normalised |
x2,y2 | vector two, won't be normalised |
function draw_sprite | ( | bmp, | |
sprite, | |||
x, | |||
y | |||
) |
Draws a sprite This is probably the fastest method to get images on screen.
The image will be centered. Opposed to traditional allegro approach, sprite is drawn centered.
bmp | target bitmap |
sprite | sprite bitmap |
x,y | coordinates of the top left corder of the image center |
function enable_debug | ( | id | ) |
Enables debugging to a console.
'console' can be any html element that can accept text, preferably a
id | id of the element to be the console |
function FONT_OBJECT | ( | element, | |
file, | |||
name, | |||
type | |||
) |
Font object, this is not a function.
This is not a function but a reference entry for font object returned by load_font() and create_cont().
element | <style> element containing the font-face declaration. Not available for create_font() fonts and default font object. |
file | font file name, empty string for default font and create_font() typefaces. |
name | font-family name |
type | object type, "fnt" in this case |
function frand | ( | ) |
Returns a random number from 0.0 to 1.0 This one is float.
Use multiply (*) operator to get higher values. i.e. frand()*10 will return a value from 0.0 to 10.0
function geta | ( | colour | ) |
Gets alpha bits from 0xAARRGGBB This one doesn't.
colour | colour in 0xAARRGGBB format |
function getaf | ( | colour | ) |
Float (0.0-1.0) version of geta()
colour | colour in 0xAARRGGBB format |
function getb | ( | colour | ) |
Gets red bits from 0xRRGGBB This one clips as well.
colour | colour in 0xAARRGGBB format |
function getbf | ( | colour | ) |
Float (0.0-1.0) version of getb()
colour | colour in 0xAARRGGBB format |
function getg | ( | colour | ) |
Gets red bits from 0xRRGGBB This one too.
colour | colour in 0xAARRGGBB format |
function getgf | ( | colour | ) |
Float (0.0-1.0) version of getg()
colour | colour in 0xAARRGGBB format |
function getpixel | ( | bitmap, | |
x, | |||
y | |||
) |
Gets pixel colour from bitmap Reads pixel from bitmap at given coordinates.
This is probably super slow, and shouldn't be used inside loops.
bitmap | bitmap object to poll |
x | x coordinate of pixel |
y | y coordinate of pixel |
function getr | ( | colour | ) |
Gets red bits from 0xRRGGBB This one does clip.
colour | colour in 0xAARRGGBB format |
function getrf | ( | colour | ) |
Float (0.0-1.0) version of getr()
colour | colour in 0xAARRGGBB format |
function hide_mouse | ( | ) |
Disables system mouse cursor over canvas.
Use this if you would like to provide your own cursor bitmap
function hline | ( | bitmap, | |
x1, | |||
y, | |||
x2, | |||
colour, | |||
width | |||
) |
Draws a horizontal line.
Draws a horizontal line from one point to another using given colour. Probably slightly faster than line() method, since this one uses rectfill() to draw the line.
bitmap | to be drawn to |
y | row to draw the line to |
x1,x2 | line endpoints |
colour | colour in 0xAARRGGBB format |
width | line width (defaults to 1) |
function install_allegro | ( | ) |
Installs allegro.
This function must be called before anything else. It makes sure exists.
function install_int | ( | procedure, | |
msec | |||
) |
Installs interrupt function.
Installs a user timer handler, with the speed given as the number of milliseconds between ticks. This is the same thing as install_int_ex(proc, MSEC_TO_TIMER(speed)). Calling again this routine with the same timer handler as parameter allows you to adjust its speed.
procedure | function to be called |
speed | execution interval in msec |
function install_int_ex | ( | procedure, | |
speed | |||
) |
Installs interrupt function.
With this one, you must use helper functions to set the interval in the second argument. The lowest interval is 1 msec, but you probably don't want to go below 17 msec. Suggested values are BPS_TO_TIMER(30) or BPS_TO_TIMER(60). It cannot be used to alter previously installed interrupt function as well.
procedure | function to be called |
speed | execution interval |
function install_keyboard | ( | enable_keys | ) |
Installs keyboard handlers Unlike mouse, keyboard can be installed before initialising graphics, and the handlers will function over the entire website, as opposed to canvas only.
After this call, the key[] array can be used to check state of each key. All keys will have their default action disabled, unless specified in the enable_keys array. This means that i.e. backspace won't go back, arrows won't scroll. By default, function keys (KEY_F1..KEY_F12) are the only ones not suppressed
enable_keys | array of keys that are not going to have their default action prevented, i.e. [KEY_F5] will enable reloading the website. By default, if this is omitted, function keys are the only ones on the list. |
function install_mouse | ( | menu | ) |
Installs mouse handlers.
Must be called after set_gfx_mode() to be able to determine mouse position within the given canvas!
menu | If true, context menu will be available on right click on canvas. Default is false. |
function install_sound | ( | ) |
Install sound.
function length | ( | x, | |
y | |||
) |
Returns length of a vector.
x,y | vector coordinates |
function lerp | ( | from, | |
to, | |||
progress | |||
) |
Linear interpolation between two values Returns a value midway between from and to specified by progress.
from | number to lerp from |
to | number to lerp to |
progress | amount of lerp |
function line | ( | bitmap, | |
x1, | |||
y1, | |||
x2, | |||
y2, | |||
colour, | |||
width | |||
) |
Draws a line.
Draws a line from one point to another using given colour.
bitmap | to be drawn to |
x1,y1 | start point coordinates |
x2,y2 | end point coordinates |
colour | colour in 0xAARRGGBB format |
width | line width |
function linedist | ( | ex1, | |
ey1, | |||
ex2, | |||
ey2, | |||
x, | |||
y | |||
) |
Distance between a point and a line segment.
ex1,ey1 | first end of line segment |
ex2,ey2 | second end of line segment |
x,y | point coordinates |
function load_base64_font | ( | data | ) |
Loads font from file.
This actually creates a style element, puts code inside and appends it to class. I heard it works all the time most of the time. AS ready() won't wait for fonts to load, this will allow you to have a font straight away with base64 data. Data should be WOFF converted to base64 without line breaks.
data | base64 string of a WOFF file |
function load_bitmap | ( | filename | ) |
Loads bitmap from file Loads image from file asynchronously.
This means that the execution won't stall for the image, and it's data won't be accessible right off the start. You can check for bitmap object's 'ready' member to see if it has loaded, but you probably should avoid stalling execution for that, as JS doesn't really like that.
filename | URL of image |
function load_font | ( | filename | ) |
Loads font from file.
This actually creates a style element, puts code inside and appends it to class. I heard it works all the time most of the time. Note that this function won't make ready() wait, as it's not possible to consistently tell if a font has been loaded in js, thus load your fonts first thing, and everything should be fine.
filename | Font file URL |
function load_sample | ( | filename | ) |
Loads a sample from file Loads a sample from file and returns it.
Doesn't stall for loading, use ready() to make sure your samples are loaded! Note that big files, such as music jingles, will most probably get streamed instead of being fully loaded into memory, meta data should be accessible tho.
filename | name of the audio file |
function loading_bar | ( | progress | ) |
Default loading bar rendering This function is used by ready() to display a simple loading bar on screen.
You need to manually specify a dummy function if you don't want loading screen.
progress | loading progress in 0.0 - 1.0 range |
function log | ( | string | ) |
Logs to console Only works after enable_debug() has been called.
Will append
newline tag. You can use html inside your logs too.
string | text to log |
function loop | ( | procedure, | |
speed | |||
) |
Game loop interrupt Loop is the same as interrupt, except, it cannot be stopped once it's started.
It's meant for game loop. remove_int() and remove_all_ints() have no effect on this. Since JS can't have blocking (continuously executing) code and realise on events and timers, you cannot have your game loop inside a while or for argument. Instead, you should use this to create your game loop to be called at given interval. There should only be one loop() function! Note that mouse mickeys (mouse_mx, etc.), and pressed indicators (pressed[] and mouse_pressed) will only work inside loop()
procedure | function to be looped, preferably inline, but let's not talk coding styles here |
speed | speed in the same format as install_int_ex() |
function makecol | ( | r, | |
g, | |||
b, | |||
a | |||
) |
Creates a 0xAARRGGBB from values Overdrive is not permitted, so values over 255 (0xff) will get clipped.
r | red component in 0-255 range |
g | green component in 0-255 range |
b | blue component in 0-255 range |
a | alpha component in 0-255 range, defaults to 255 (fully opaque) |
function makecolf | ( | r, | |
g, | |||
b, | |||
a | |||
) |
Creates 0xAARRGGBB from values This is a float version of makecol, where all components should be in 0.0-1.0 range.
r | red component in 0.0-1.0 range |
g | green component in 0.0-1.0 range |
b | blue component in 0.0-1.0 range |
a | alpha component in 0.0-1.0 range, defaults to 1.0 (fully opaque) |
function MSEC_TO_TIMER | ( | msec | ) |
Converts milliseconds to install_int_ex interval units.
msec | number of milliseconds |
function pause_sample | ( | sample | ) |
Pauses playing Also doesn't reset position.
Use play_sample() to resume.
sample | sample to be stopped |
function pivot_scaled_sprite | ( | bmp, | |
sprite, | |||
x, | |||
y, | |||
cx, | |||
cy, | |||
angle, | |||
sx, | |||
sy | |||
) |
Draws a sprite rotated around an arbitrary point and scaled Draws a sprite rotating it around a given point.
The sprite is also scaled. Sprite is drawn centered to the pivot point. The pivot point is relative to top-left corner of the image before scaling. You can omit sy value for uniform scaling. You can use negative scale for flipping.
bmp | target bitmap |
sprite | sprite bitmap |
x,y | target coordinates of the pivot point |
cx,cy | pivot point coordinates |
angle | angle of rotation in degrees |
sx | horizontal scale , 1.0 is unscaled |
sy | vertical scale (defaults to sx) |
function pivot_sprite | ( | bmp, | |
sprite, | |||
x, | |||
y, | |||
cx, | |||
cy, | |||
angle | |||
) |
Draws a sprite rotated around an arbitrary point Draws a sprite rotating it around a given point.
Sprite is drawn centered to the pivot point. The pivot point is relative to top-left corner of the image.
bmp | target bitmap |
sprite | sprite bitmap |
x,y | target coordinates of the pivot point |
cx,cy | pivot point coordinates |
angle | angle of rotation in degrees |
function play_sample | ( | sample, | |
vol, | |||
freq, | |||
loop | |||
) |
Plays given sample.
Plays a sample object using given values. Note how pan is left out, as it doesn't seem to have a js counterpart. Freq will probably not work everywhere too!
sample | sample to be played |
vol | playback volume |
freq | speed, 1.0 is normal |
loop | loop or not to loop |
function polygon | ( | bitmap, | |
vertices, | |||
points, | |||
colour, | |||
width | |||
) |
Draws a polygon.
Draws a polygon using three coordinates. The polygon is not filled.
bitmap | to be drawn to |
vertices | number of vertices to draw |
points | array containing vertices*2 elements of polygon coordinates in [x1,y1,x2,y2,x3...] format |
colour | colour in 0xAARRGGBB format |
width | line width |
function polygonfill | ( | bitmap, | |
vertices, | |||
points, | |||
colour | |||
) |
Draws a polygon.
Draws a polygon using three coordinates. The polygon is filled.
bitmap | to be drawn to |
vertices | number of vertices to draw |
points | array containing vertices*2 elements of polygon coordinates in [x1,y1,x2,y2,x3...] format |
colour | colour in 0xAARRGGBB format |
function putpixel | ( | bitmap, | |
x, | |||
y, | |||
colour | |||
) |
Gets pixel colour from bitmap Reads pixel from bitmap at given coordinates.
This is probably super slow, and shouldn't be used inside loops.
bitmap | bitmap object to update |
x | x coordinate of pixel |
y | y coordinate of pixel |
colour | colour in 0xAARRGGBB format |
function RAD | ( | d | ) |
Converts degrees to radians.
Also, changes clockwise to anticlockwise.
d | value in degrees to be converted |
function rand | ( | ) |
Returns a random number from 0 to 65535 Result is always integer.
Use modulo (%) operator to create smaller values i.e. rand()%256 will return a random number from 0 to 255 inclusive.
function rand32 | ( | ) |
Returns a random number from -2147483648 to 2147483647 Result is always integer.
Use abs() if you only want positive values.
function ready | ( | procedure, | |
bar | |||
) |
Installs a handler to check if everything has downloaded.
You should always wrap your loop() function around it, unless there is nothing external you need. load_bitmap() and load_sample() all require some time to process and the execution cannot be stalled for that, so all code you wrap in this hander will only get executed after everything has loaded making sure you can access bitmap properties and data and play samples right away. Note that load_font() does not affect ready(), so you should always load your fonts first.
procedure | function to be called when everything has loaded. |
bar | loading bar callback function, if omitted, equals to loading_bar() and renders a simple loading bar. it must accept one parameter, that is loading progress in 0.0-1.0 range. |
function rect | ( | bitmap, | |
x1, | |||
y1, | |||
w, | |||
h, | |||
colour, | |||
width | |||
) |
Draws a rectangle.
Draws a rectangle from one point to another using given colour. The rectangle is not filled. Opposed to traditional allegro approach, width and height have to be provided, not an end point.
bitmap | to be drawn to |
x1,y1 | start point coordinates |
w,h | width and height |
colour | colour in 0xAARRGGBB format |
width | line width |
function rectfill | ( | bitmap, | |
x1, | |||
y1, | |||
w, | |||
h, | |||
colour | |||
) |
Draws a rectangle.
Draws a rectangle from one point to another using given colour. The rectangle is filled. Opposed to traditional allegro approach, width and height have to be provided, not an end point.
bitmap | to be drawn to |
x1,y1 | start point coordinates |
w,h | width and height |
colour | colour in 0xAARRGGBB format |
function remove_int | ( | procedure | ) |
Removes interrupt.
procedure | interrupt procedure to be removed |
function rotate_scaled_sprite | ( | bmp, | |
sprite, | |||
x, | |||
y, | |||
angle, | |||
sx, | |||
sy | |||
) |
Draws a rotated sprite and scales it Draws a sprite rotating it around its centre point.
The sprite is also scaled. You can omit sy value for uniform scaling. YOu can use negative scale for flipping. Scaling is around the center. The sprite will be centred and rotated around its centre.
bmp | target bitmap |
sprite | sprite bitmap |
x,y | coordinates of the centre of the image |
angle | angle of rotation in degrees |
sx | horizontal scale, 1.0 is unscaled |
sy | vertical scale (defaults to sx) |
function rotate_sprite | ( | bmp, | |
sprite, | |||
x, | |||
y, | |||
angle | |||
) |
Draws a rotated sprite Draws a sprite rotating it around its centre point.
The sprite will be centred and rotated around its centre.
bmp | target bitmap |
sprite | sprite bitmap |
x,y | coordinates of the centre of the image |
angle | angle of rotation in degrees |
function SAMPLE_OBJECT | ( | element, | |
file, | |||
volume, | |||
ready, | |||
type | |||
) |
Sample object, this is not a function.
This is not a function. This is a sample object structure returned by load_sample().
element | HTML <audio> element containing the sound properties |
file | sample file name |
volume | sample volume, this is combined with global volume |
ready | loaded indicator flag |
type | object type, "snd" in this case |
function scale | ( | value, | |
min, | |||
max, | |||
min2, | |||
max2 | |||
) |
Scales a value from one range to another.
value | value to be scaled |
min,max | bounds to scale from |
min2,max2 | bounds to scale to |
function scaleclamp | ( | value, | |
min, | |||
max, | |||
min2, | |||
max2 | |||
) |
Scales value from one range to another and clamps it down.
value | value to be scaled |
min,max | bounds to scale from |
min2,max2 | bounds to scale and clamp to |
function scaled_sprite | ( | bmp, | |
sprite, | |||
x, | |||
y, | |||
sx, | |||
sy | |||
) |
Draws a stretched sprite Draws a sprite stretching it to given width and height.
The sprite will be centered. You can omit sy value for uniform scaling. YOu can use negative scale for flipping. Scaling is around the center.
bmp | target bitmap |
sprite | sprite bitmap |
x,y | coordinates of the top left corder of the image |
sx | horizontal scale , 1.0 is unscaled |
sy | vertical scale (defaults to sx) |
function SECS_TO_TIMER | ( | secs | ) |
Converts seconds to install_int_ex interval units.
secs | number of seconds |
function set_gfx_mode | ( | canvas_id, | |
width, | |||
height | |||
) |
Enables graphics.
This function should be before calling any other graphics routines. It selects the canvas element for rendering and sets the resolution. It also loads the default font.
canvas_id | id attribute of canvas to be used for drawing. |
width | canvas width in pixels |
height | canvas height in pixels |
function sgn | ( | a | ) |
Returns sign of value Will return -1 if it's negative, 1 if positive and 0 if zero.
a | value |
function simple_blit | ( | source, | |
dest, | |||
x, | |||
y | |||
) |
Simple Blit Simplified version of blit, works pretty much like draw_sprite but draws from the corner.
source | source bitmap |
dest | destination bitmap |
x,y | top-left bitmap corner coordinates in target bitmap |
make rotated versions of this
tell everyone that blitting to itself is slower than the other thing (requires copy?)
function stop_sample | ( | sample | ) |
Stops playing Also resets position.
sample | sample to be stopped |
function stretch_blit | ( | source, | |
dest, | |||
sx, | |||
sy, | |||
sw, | |||
sh, | |||
dx, | |||
dy, | |||
dw, | |||
dh | |||
) |
Scaled blit Draws a scaled chunk of an image on a bitmap.
It's not slower.
source | source bitmap |
dest | destination bitmap |
sx,sy | source origin |
sw,sh | source dimensions |
dx,dy | top-left bitmap corner coordinates in target bitmap |
dw,dh | destination dimensions |
function textout | ( | bitmap, | |
f, | |||
s, | |||
x, | |||
y, | |||
size, | |||
colour, | |||
outline, | |||
width | |||
) |
Draws text on bitmap.
This draws text using given font, size and colour. You can also specify outline, or make it -1 to disable outline.
bitmap | target bitmap |
f | font object |
s | text string |
x,w | position of the text |
size | font size in pixels, this not always reflects the actual glyph dimensions |
colour | text colour |
outline | outline colour, or omit for no outline |
width | outline width |
function textout_centre | ( | bitmap, | |
f, | |||
s, | |||
x, | |||
y, | |||
size, | |||
colour, | |||
outline, | |||
width | |||
) |
Draws centred text on bitmap.
This draws centred text using given font, size and colour. You can also specify outline, or make it -1 to disable outline.
bitmap | target bitmap |
f | font object |
s | text string |
x,w | position of the text |
size | font size in pixels, this not always reflects the actual glyph dimensions |
colour | text colour |
outline | outline colour, or omit for no outline |
width | outline width |
function textout_right | ( | bitmap, | |
f, | |||
s, | |||
x, | |||
y, | |||
size, | |||
colour, | |||
outline, | |||
width | |||
) |
Draws right-aligned text on bitmap.
This draws right-aligned text using given font, size and colour. You can also specify outline, or make it -1 to disable outline.
bitmap | target bitmap |
f | font object |
s | text string |
x,w | position of the text |
size | font size in pixels, this not always reflects the actual glyph dimensions |
colour | text colour |
outline | outline colour, or omit for no outline |
width | outline width |
function time | ( | ) |
Unix time stamp! Returns number of milliseconds since 1970 started.
function triangle | ( | bitmap, | |
x1, | |||
y1, | |||
x2, | |||
y2, | |||
x3, | |||
y3, | |||
colour, | |||
width | |||
) |
Draws a triangle.
Draws a triangle using three coordinates. The triangle is not filled.
bitmap | to be drawn to |
x1,y1 | first point coordinates |
x2,y2 | second point coordinates |
x3,y3 | third point coordinates |
colour | colour in 0xAARRGGBB format |
width | line width |
function trianglefill | ( | bitmap, | |
x1, | |||
y1, | |||
x2, | |||
y2, | |||
x3, | |||
y3, | |||
colour | |||
) |
Draws a triangle.
Draws a triangle using three coordinates. The triangle is filled.
bitmap | to be drawn to |
x1,y1 | first point coordinates |
x2,y2 | second point coordinates |
x3,y3 | third point coordinates |
colour | colour in 0xAARRGGBB format |
function vline | ( | bitmap, | |
x, | |||
y1, | |||
y2, | |||
colour, | |||
width | |||
) |
Draws a vertical line.
Draws a vertical line from one point to another using given colour. Probably slightly faster than line() method, since this one uses rectfill() to draw the line.
bitmap | to be drawn to |
x | column to draw the line to |
y1,y2 | line endpoints |
colour | colour in 0xAARRGGBB format |
width | line width (defaults to 1) |
function wipe_log | ( | ) |
Wipes the debug console Clears the debug element of any text.
Useful if you want to track changing values in real time without clogging the browser. Just call it at the beginning every loop()!
var ALLEGRO_CONSOLE = false |
Set this to true if you want to debug to browser console.
Setting this will make log() log to browser debugger console using console.log().
var canvas |
Screen bitmap This is the bitmap object representing the main drawing canvas.
Drawing anything on the screen bitmap displays it.
var key = [] |
Array of flags indicating state of each key.
Available keyboard scan codes are as follows:
var mouse_b = 0 |
Mouse button bitmask.
Each bit in the mask represents a separate mouse button state. If right mouse button is down, mouse_b value would be 4, 00100 in binary. Each bit represents one mouse button. use something like if (mouse_b&1) to check for separate buttons.
var mouse_z = -1 |
Mouse wheel position.
This might not work consistently across all browsers!